I too lost my 22+mo.Alison to SIDS...no answers and it has been 23 yrs...she is in our hearts ALL the time ,i can sense her ...may you find some peace as you deal with this the rest of your life...hold your memories close and Declan will always be a bright spirit in your lives...if you ever need anything,i am here for you...debbiestrusz@aol.com.....may God bless you and your family...time does help in a weird way but this event is your life and may you one day be able to smile again and really feel joy...i finally did this past year when my older daughter,Shannon got married...this july 11,my son Will is to be wed to a wonderful gal,Alicia...and i just realized there will be another Ali Strusz...life happens for odd reasons and i really believe everything happens for a reason...it just does...i hold my Alison Elizabeth in my heart,i feel pain,i cry,scream and sleep with her little blanket to this day...it all helps...i miss her and i always will...may you find some inner peace one day but that will take time...flow with your emotions...i will keep you in my prayers...take care....many,many hugs to you...fondly,deb